Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences
The Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS) was established in 1989 by the owners of Anthony's Key Resort. The primary objective of this facility is the preservation of Roatan's natural resources through education and research. RIMS has established itself as a dedicated teaching institution, and our facility is visited year-round by colleges, universities, and high schools from abroad to study tropical marine ecosystems and the bottlenose dolphins at our facility.
RIMS is ideally located for marine study on the northwest coast of Roatán where over 30 miles of fringing and barrier reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, and shoreline are home to an astonishing profusion of life. For many students, this may be the first encounter with coral reefs and the underwater world and Roatán's coral reefs provide an incomparable realm of beauty, excitement, and endless opportunity for study. A field course at RIMS also allows students to travel abroad, become immersed in a new culture, and experience the simple way of life that has existed for hundreds of years on this small Caribbean island.
Meet The Team
Our values and vision echo across our diverse and passionate team of over 20 staff members. The senior staff at RIMS possess an intimate knowledge of Roatan's tropical marine communities and the lives of the bottlenose dolphins, we share this facility with.
Terri is the head dolphin trainer and leads the staff who are directly involved with the care, maintenance, training, and research of our resident bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates). Her efforts, tremendous energy, and dedication are vital to the success of our facility and provide the animals with a healthy and stimulating environment.
Jennifer has been working as the Education Coordinator since 1997 and is the first person you have contact with, often months before your arrival. One important aspect of her job is to coordinate your activities and help with the logistics of your trip so that you may concentrate on developing the curriculum. Most professors, even those returning, find her help and expertise invaluable.

Eldon Bolton

Teri Bolton
Assistant Director

Jennifer Keck
Education & Research Coordinator
Eldon Bolton was instrumental in the establishment of the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences ever since the facility opened its doors in 1989. He is involved in every aspect of its operations, including management, care, and training of the bottlenose dolphins we house at our facility and overseeing the educational department and the research projects that are underway.